Is Your Website Turning Away Potential Customers? How to Audit Your Website and Boost Your Business in Under 10 Minutes

As an entrepreneur, you know that your website is the shining star that entices people to your business. But what if that star is dusty, outdated, or confusing?

Your website may be turning away potential customers without you even realizing it. It’s time to take a closer look and do a quick 10-minute audit of your website to make sure that it’s welcoming, engaging, and converting your visitors into customers. 🎉

As an entrepreneur, you pour your heart and soul into your business. You work hard to create a brand that reflects your values, products, and services. But what about your website? Your website is often the first point of contact for all these potential customers. It’s where they go to learn more about you, your business, what you offer, and how you can help them create an amazing transformation in their lives. So, if your website isn’t up to par and talking about these things, you could be losing customers before they even have a chance to get to know you. *le sigh*

The word “Audit” can sound a little bit intimidating- especially paired with “website”, but honestly it’s a lot easier than you might think. Below are the few steps in my 10-Minute Audit that you can take to make sure that your website is welcoming, engaging, and converting visitors into customers:

  1. Go through your website’s main 5 pages & click on all the buttons. Typically these are the homepage, about, services, contact, and portfolio/or equivalent pages. We want to make sure that none of your button links are broken, and they all still link to the appropriate pages. (This helps SEO!)
  2. Does your mission and vision still align? Read through your homepage & about page, is there anything that feels off, not right, or just plain outdated? It could be the way you talk, the flow of your homepage or the things you share on your about page.
  3. Check all your imagery! This one is forgotten about a lot of the time. Often, we think we can just plop in some stock imagery and boom- be done with it. But really, to have professionally taken branded photos for your website representing what you do and who you do it with is so affirming for the potential customer.
  4. Get some feedback from your community. Ask friends, family, and customers to give you feedback on your website. Take their suggestions seriously and make changes as needed.

That’s it for the 10-Minute Audit! By auditing your website, you can identify and fix any issues that may be turning away potential customers. Your website continues to reflect your brand, engages visitors, and converts them into loyal customers. Don’t let an outdated or dusty website hold you back. Take the time to audit your site today.

If you have more time, I’d take a moment to add the below to your audit as well.

  1. Check your website’s load time, responsiveness, and security. Slow load times, unresponsive design, and lack of security can scare away potential customers and hurt your search engine rankings.
  2. Use analytics tools to track your website’s performance, including traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rate. Identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your site.